BOOT CAMP week 44
We had a great week in the dojo during BOOT CAMP week 44. Five days of intensive training with focus on kicks. All participants did very well and gave good energy and kime in the dojo.

The spirit was as always high. We were in three different groups: Group 1 Karate Kids and Karate Juniors, Group 2 adults class and group 3 adults class (higher kyubelts and dan-grades). It worked out really good during traing and also between the sessions.
Everybody was careful consider we still have a pandemic in our country. We had as usual 2 metres between us in the dojo, cleaned everything between the classes and took care of each other. This we have to do together to figth the C-19 and everybody has responsibility not to spread it, so we still continue with our strict restrictions.
Enjoy the pictures from the weekend. See you in the dojo! Oss! Mona