Calendar and new youtube clips updated


Time flies! Calendar is updated with dates for newbeginners classes in January. There are also other dates for different training and Family training. Already I get mail with questions about newbeginners start. 

There are some new youtube clips that have been made. Next Friday another one will be published. If you have any ideas what to make a clip about, please let me know. The clips are for you! Sometimes I will need help so if I ask you, never feel bad if you don´t want to help. I respect that not everybody will be on youtube and spread everywere.

I also have got good respons from colleagues around the world with my Karate with Mona, even from Israel! And also from our friends from England and Serbia and other countries as well, and they have asked if they can add them on their websites. I have approved to that.

Here are the two latest clips:
How to to seisa and kiritsu
How to fold your gi 

Keep on the good work and see you in the dojo soon!