Good bye 2019 - welcome 2020!

2019 was a busy year in many ways and we are now looking forward into 2020.
Our dojo is improving in many ways. We are having good attendence in all our groups and everybody is improving very well: Tiny Tigers, Karate Kids, Karate Basics and Focus Group. And now we go into the next step in our club with two new groups: Karate Junior on Mondays and our parakarate group Karate Tigers on Wedneysdays. It will be interesting to see how these two new groups will improve during Spring 2020. More information about next term will come in beginning of the new year.
We also at last got our makiwaras up and soon we also will have the bags up as well. Another "work day" in the dojo will come soon and we will also tidy up small things that needs to be done.
Karate training never ends and we have some trainings between all Christmas days, New year and so on. We will on Sunday 29 December have a movie night which starts at 16:00. We will see The Last Samurai. I hope you can come and support this!
Our website will be updated soon again with more information about our different group trainings. See you soon in the dojo again! Stay strong and train hard!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Oss! Mona