New DAN-grades for sensei Mona and sensei Mike
On Sunday 29th September sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic promoted us for new DAN-grades on our karate seminars last day. Sensei Mike was promoted for YONDAN (4th DAN) and me for GODAN (5th DAN). We were not prepared it was going to happen, we just knew it would be happen in the future some time, and we were sursprised and happy at the same time. A new grade means a new responsibility for the new grade and also a more important task as well since we are students of sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic and follow his system of Kase-Ha Vebo-Do. Training continue as usual with new challenges and new things to learn. Karate is a lifestyle project for us and a way of life that we have decided to continue as long as we breathe. We are also happy and pleased about our students in the dojo, that has been supporting us as well as our friends from other clubs around in Europe.

We had an excellent karate seminar 27-29 September in our dojo and sensei Velibor was pleased with everybody and improvents all have done since last time. Thanks again for all that supported this seminar from England, Finland, Norway, Serbia, Greece and Swedish clubs..

Sensei Mike was the guestinstructor in Karate Kids last Sunday and it was a very good athmosphere in the dojo amongst everybody! Even the parents enjoyed his training and already Karate Kids hope to see him soon again another Sunday. Good work everybody!

Calendar has been updated with different activities so please look there for more information about what is happening in the dojo.
Keep on the good work, stay strong and train hard!
See you in the dojo!
Oss! Mona