Time for seminars!
Now we go in to a busy time in our club with some seminars in close future.Last month we were four attending a great course in Ås, Norway with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic.
First seminar this year in our dojo is a Memorial course to late sensei Taiji Kase, on Saturday 16 February. It is a seminar in memory of Taiji Kase, founder of Kase-Ha. More information in dojo as well as notice about attending it (due to planning).

Two weeks after that we have our annual seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic on 1-3 March. All training is in our dojo at Kvarnvägen 6 in Växjö. This will be the 21st time he is in Växjö and we are looking forward to this seminar as usual. We hope all members will attend to this and train with this high level and experienced karateka. More information in the dojo. Please respect closing date (17/2) due to planning.

In beginning of April we will be a group of four from the club going to Serbia for another seminar with sensei Velibor. Our club has supported this seminar 8 years and some of you still remember five years ago, when we were 28(!) members going to that seminar. Great fun!
Later in April there is also a seminar in England. If you want to attend this seminar, please contact Mike.
Look on calendar in the menu on the left for further information and updates!
Stay strong and train hard!