Information to members


Due to circumstances in our society nowadays with Covid-19, Coronaviruse, we have made some restrictions in the club. This will be change if there are any other information from Folkhälsomyndigheten and our government. But from this week (week 13) we continue training with some changes.

Week 13: - All training will be focus on individual work, no pair working, bunkai or kumite.  - Wash your hands and feet before training. - Text instructor if you can´t come. This is due to planning. - If you have diabetes or are over 60, you shouldn´t train in the dojo. - Tips and ideas for home training will be send out (be patient, it will come in time).

Please note that training can be cancelled in short notice, so check web site and mail regularly. Instructors can also be sick or have other obligations and can´t come to training.

Karate Juniors: All training is cancelled Monday 23 and 30 March. Monday April 6 is Annandagpåsk and holiday so no training. Earliest training is Monday 13 April.

Tiny Tigers and Karate Kids: Only one parent is allow in training for each child. No guests or siblings are allow in the dojo.

Karate Tigers: Continue as before.

Adult training: Continue as before.

It is not only training that effects of corona virus. Our order with t-shirts, hoodies etc is also dalyed because of circumstances. Hopefully we will have the items in the end of this week.

Stay safe and wash your hands often! If you don´t feel 100% OK, stay at home. Better to come to the dojo when you are alright! Keep in touch and see you in the dojo.

Oss! Mona