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We had Open Hus on Saturday 21 August and lot of people came and applied for training in some of our groups. At the moment all groups are full now (Tiny Tigers, Karate Kids and Open Class). Karate Tigers (ours parasport group) is still open for some members but all other groups are now full.

Grading Tuesday 22, June with Juniors and Seniors. Everybody did a very good work in the heat! Well done and keep on practising. New grade new challenges!

Lördag 5 juni var det terminsavslutning med gradering för våra yngsta medlemmar i klubben: Tiny Tigers och Karate Kids. Bra jobbat alla både deltagare och ledarna. Det har varit slitsamt med C-19 i samhället och vi ser fram emot (förhoppningsvis) en mer normal hösttermin!

We continue training outdoors in May and from 1 June (we hope) we all will be indoors again. It all depends on the situation around C-19 in society.

Vecka 18


Måndag: Karate Juniors: inställd.

Träningen tisdag 27/4, onsdag 28/4 och torsdag 29/4 är inställda. Se mail för mer information.