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Länkar/Links wil be updated during Easter holiday with different videoclips with techniques, kata and combinations for you to train at home during Covid-19 and since the Dojo is closed for some time.

Now Easter Holiday starts and we have made the decision to close done the Dojo during this period. No training and information about when we open the dojo for training again will soon be announced, at the latest on Monday 13 April. Stay safe, keep distance and check your mail next week for invitation to online training in our Virtual...

Due to circumstances in our society nowadays with Covid-19, Coronaviruse, we have made some restrictions in the club. This will be change if there are any other information from Folkhälsomyndigheten and our government. But from this week (week 13) we continue training with some changes.

February 28 - March 1 we had a karate seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic. He has been here in our dojo every Spring since 2007 and after 2010 twice a year with a seminar in September!

Saturday 8 February we had annual meeting and a now border was elected: chairman sensei Mona Pfaus, treasure Giselle Medina Björk, secretary Jonathan Nagy and suppleant Henrik Schandersson. The year meeting was well attended and protocol will be published in the dojo next week.

Idag hade vi Öppen Dojo under Kulturnatten och det lockade många besökare till vår fina dojo idag. Många nyfikna Växjöbor kom till oss och minglade runt med instruktörer och medlemmar från klubben. Välkomna till våra prova-pass kommande dagar. Se tidigare inlägg för mer information!

Today we had the last training of this decade! Tomorrow is a new chapter in our life as well as for our karate training. We started Christmas Eve with a morning session and end the year with a training session at lunch time today. Karate is never ending, just another new begins all the time. Thanks to everybody that have...