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Here is another group that graded this last week. It is our paragroup Karate Tigers where the students train together with their parents. They did a good grading and got new grades and belts. Well done to all of you! Oss! Mona

Congratulations to Giselle and Fredrik Jr for a great grading to Shodan! Well done to both of you and this is just the start of a new chapter in your Karate-Do. Oss! /Mona

Last Sunday Karate Kids had sensei Mike as a guestinstructor. It was a good session, high tempo, lots of spirit and kime. And everybody responded well and sensei Mike enjoyed the training as much as everybody else.

This weekend we had another well attended Karate Youth Camp with our younger instructors Anna-Maria, Moa and Leo Sr. Hard training and everybody learned a lot of new things as well - as it should be on training camps. Well done everybody!

Thanks everybody for your help Saturday November 11 on our "fixardag i dojon". It was good spirit as usual and nice fika (as always). Well done everybody, members and parents. Oss! Mona

This week during Höstlovet (Autumn holiday) we did some kick training with sticks in some of the groups. We manage to do most of the kicks and it was good balance training as well. Different and fun!

The 30th seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic took place 19-22 September. We had guests from other clubs from Sweden and abroad as well. Thanks for your support and spirit on this jubilee seminar. Welcome next year again.

Välkomna till vårt Öppet Hus söndag 18 augusti. Då får ni svar på alla era frågor om karateträning, se vår fina dojo och träffa ledarna för respektive grupp. Säker & Trygg förening är också på plats samt styrelsen och medlemmar från föreningen. Välkomna!

On SUMMER BOOT CAMP day 4, after training, we had a Japanese visitor. Midori (she is from Kyoto) came to us and talked about Japanese culture, language and answered all non-karate-questions. It was a good hour and we enjoyed the quiz at the end. Thanks Midori and welcome back soon again!