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Om dräkten känns för trång eller för kort kanske det är dags att beställa en ny. Information delas ut i varje grupp så prata med ansvarig för respektive grupp i samband med träningen. Detta gäller då inte Tiny Tigers som har t-shirts istället.

Nu är det fullt i våra nybörjargrupper!
Vi tar inte in fler medlemmar i vår förening under hösten 2020.
Välkomna i januari 2021 när vi har nya prova-på pass och Öppen Dojo.
Mer information kommer senare i höst.

Welcome back!


For most of us Summer Holidays are over and tomorrow training starts again. We will have the same set up as it was during the Spring term. We still have a pandemic in Sweden and we have to follow our routines strict to maintain a safe environment in our dojo for training. Thanks to all of you that have applied...

Boot Camp 2020


Five days of hard training in +27 (in the dojo, outside was even hotter) in two groups. Everybody enjoyed the set up for training and did really good these days. Well done! Pictures are from first day and last day. See you in August again! Stay strong, wash your hands and keep distance! //Oss! Mona

This week we have Boot Camp, a five-day course which members could apply for participating in advance and both groups are fully booked. See mail for more information. It is good the interest for this course has been high and the groups were very quick filled up.

Last night our group Karate Juniors had their first grading. And they did very well all of them! Congratulations to all of you. Last week we had a grading for some of the lower kyu-belts as well and they also did a great job. It was very strange to have to change the set up for the grading because of...

Saturday 30 May it was time for last training with our youngest members: Tiny Tigers and Karate Kids. As usual they had a performance for parents and it went really very well. Considering circumstances around covid-19 it - thanks to our instructors and parents - a very good end of the term, even with smaller groups and less people in...

Nu börjar det närma sig avslutningen för terminen och först ut i vanlig ordning är våra yngre medlemmar. Efter en minst sagt annorlunda termin men flera förändringar och omställningar har vi lyckats även detta år att få till avslutningar. Det har inte varit enkelt att hitta en "ny" normalitet men tack vare våra duktiga och hjälpsamma barnledare har...