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Annual SUMMER BOOT CAMP in the dojo. Here is a picture from training day 3 (of 5). Good work everybody and keep on the good spirit! /Oss! Mona

Sommarträningen är öppen för vuxengrupperna. Se mailutskick för information och anmälan. Välkomna!

Monday June 17 the two last gradings took part with Karate Juniors and Open Class. Very good gradings everybody. And our club got a new brown belt: Johanna who graded for 3 kyu! Well done! Oss! Mona

Today (Sunday June 16) members of Basic and Focus groups did their grading. It was a long and hard session and all of them deserves their new grade. Well done to all of you and keep on training! Oss! Mona

Sensei Mona and Mike participated on an internationell karate seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic, 8 dan at Sport Camp, Loutraki, Greece. Training all days from 3-9 June together with karatekas from 12 different countries.

Nezt group out for grading was our parasport Karate Tigers. They did a splendid grading on Wednesday 12 June. Congratulations to all four of you and to your parents support as well. Well donr everybody.

It is this time of the year when we are having our gradings. And as always - our youngest members are first out! Tiny Tigers and then Karate Kids! Well done everybody and a special thanks to our instructor for doing such a gread work with our TT and KK. Well done to you too TT-instructors Moa and Olivia and...

Sunday May 5 we celebrated Kodomo No Hi (Day for Children) in our dojo. Tiny Tigers and Karate Kids trained together and after training there were diploma and photos taken. The groups got a special training for this special day.

At last we could re-start with our parents training after years of pandemic. Once a year we invite all parents to our groups and they train with their children in Tiny Tigers and Karate Kids. A good way for parents to learn more about karate training and the challenges it is to learn karate. Sensei Mona was the host for...