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Onsdagen den 7 mars hade vi årsmöte. Det var cirka 25 medlemmar på plats och i vanlig ordning hade vi ett rejält fikabord! Direkt efter årsmötet hade vi ett medlemsmöte.

This weekend we had a Karate Youth Camp for our younger members. Two days of hard training ended on Saturday with a movie, popcorn and drinks. Everybody was tired and happy - as it should be after a hard training with our leaders from the child- and youth groups: Anna-Maria, Moa, Olivia and Leo. Well done to everybody!

Eight members from our club participated du´ring 2024´ s first karate seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic. We went by car all together and had a nice trip as well. Training was excellent - as usual - and we enjoyed three intensive days in the spirit of karate.

The two last groups for grading was members from Karate Basic and Focus group. On Tuesday 19 December the Juniors graded and on Thursday 21 December the seniors graded. Good work everybody! Keep the spirit on for your training. Oss!

Markus participated on a karate seminar with sensei Velibor in Tampere, Finland, 23-26 November. Good spirit as usual and lots of training of course since the course was over four days this time. Oss!