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Välkomna till träning i mellandagarna. Se mailutskick för mer information. Deltagarlista för respektive pass mailas ut till berörda.

This week was also a grading week in our dojo. Karate Juniors and for our youth and adults as well. Good work everybody and keep on the good spirit for training. You have done one step further on your long path in the world of Karate-do. Oss! /Mona

It is busy times in the dojo now in December and we have had some gradings for our youngest members the last weeks. Karate Tigers were first, followed by Tiny Tigers and Karate Kids. Congratulations to all of you and well done. You all did a great work at the grading days!

Markus Fredriksson, instruktör för Karate Kids, har graderats till Nidan, 2:a dan, lördagen 12 november. Grattis Markus och lycka till med fortsatt karateträning mot nya mål. Bra jobbat! Stay strong and keep on the good work! // Oss! Mona

We had a great trip and amazing training with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic 2-6 November. This was the first time sensei Vebo did a training course only for one club and the first one for us as well! We had about 3-3½ hrs of training each day and some theory as well. Between training sessions there were possibility to just relax...

Time for another Karate seminar with sensei Velibor Dimitrijevic in our dojo 23-25 September. After two and half years with C-19 we could invite guests from other clubs in Sweden and from other countries. We had participants from Norway, Finland, England, Serbia, Greece and Sweden. Training was in two groups and on Saturday we had our traditional...

Välkomna tillbaks till en ny termin! Mail har skickats ut till samtliga medlemmar i vår klubb. Är det så att du inte har fått något mail, vänligen maila till så får vi se vad som hänt med mailadressen. I mailet står all information kring uppstarten och Öppet Hus.

Summer training has started for this year and now we can mix groups together again. First session were full house (24) from Karate Juniors, Open Class, Karate Basic and Focusgroup. Good spirit and kime! Check mail regurlaly to see next Summer training sessions! // Oss! Mona